- k : Abbreviation of kilo, corresponding to a factor
- M : Abbreviation of mega, corresponding to a factor
- G : Abbreviation of giga, corresponding to a factor
- T : Abbreviation of tera, corresponding to a factor
- P : Abbreviation of pert, corresponding to a factor
- E : Abbreviation of exa, corresponding to a factor
The energies related to oil combustion are only approximate
- J : Joule (kJ = kilojoule, MJ = megajoule, GJ = gigajoule, EJ = exajoule)
- Wh (watthour) : 3600 J or 3.6 kJ
- kWh : kilowatthour = 3.6 MJ
- MWh : mégawatthour = 3.6 GJ = 0.086 toe
- Twh : terawatthour = 0.0036 EJ. We use the convenient conversion 1000 Twh = 3.6 EJ.
- toe : ton of oil equivalent, around 11.63 MWh or 41.89 GJ.
- Mtep : megaton of oil equivalent, around 11.63 TWh
- Barrel of oil : 159 liters of oil (42 US galons…), whose combustion gives 1.59 MWh or 5.73 GJ.
- 1 liter of oil de pétrole, or 0.00086 tep, releases 10.0 kWh.
- 1 m3 of oil : 1000 liters of oil, equivalent to 0.86 teoe, yielding 10.0 MWh.
This energy conversion tool is handy.
- GtCO2 : 1 billion tons de CO2
- GtC : 1 billion de tons of carbon (corresponding to 3.667 GtCO2 after combustion)
- ppm : parts per million, or 0.0001%. A concentration of 1ppm for a given gas, means that one molecule on 1 million molecules is of that specific gas type.
- ppb : parts per pillion, or 0.0000001%. A concentration of 1ppm for a given gas, means that one molecule on 1 billion molecules is of that specific gas type.